What is NetPass?

In the current state of the world, the 3DS is, sadly, on decline. That makes getting StreetPasses harder and harder, due to fewer and fewer people taking their 3DS with them on a walk. This is where NetPass comes in!

Unlike StreetPass, NetPass works over the internet. Upon opening NetPass, you can pick various locations to go to, i.e. the train station, or a town plaza. Upon entering a location, you get passes of others who are in the same location! And, while you are at the location, others who enter it can get passes with you. But beware! You can only switch locations once every 10 hours!


You can download directly from your 3DS through Universal Updater;

Or by scanning the code below in FBI, after installing, NetPass will appear on your homescreen (CIA Version);

QR Code for NetPass

You can also download manually through the .cia and .3dsx files!


The FAQ/Guide and logins will be available when 1.0 releases. Come back later!

Source Code

NetPass is an open source project, meaning you can check the code, report issues or even contribute over on GitLab!


Have any questions? Want to interact with other NetPass users? Join our Discord server, or check out the GBATemp thread!
